The Dark Side of Self-Development
What I wish I had learned sooner. Up until high school, I was “gifted/cursed” with the ability to get good grades fairly easily. I barely studied and got A’s. This taught me that I didn’t have to work to excel. On the one hand, it was a gift. It meant I didn’t have to feel […]
Here’s Why Mindset Matters When it Comes to Following Your Purpose…
Do you know how to talk yourself off the ledge? Sometimes you may start to wonder: “Are my dreams achievable?” “Do people need what I have to offer, or want this?” “Am I deluding myself and wasting my time?” “Can I REALLY do this?” …Insert a long string of self-defeating thoughts, fear, uncertainty, and giving […]
From Codependency to Self-Love: Finding My Soul Mate Within
Since I was a kid, I had so many dreams and goals. Yet one desire remained at the top of my priority list. It was a goal from as early as I can remember. Disney movies and fantasy novels helped me know I wanted to live “happily ever after”. After years of fantasizing about what […]
Why Small Business Owners and Solopreneurs Shouldn’t Fear A.I. Technology
ChatGPT. DALL-E. I’m sure you’ve heard all about these by now, along with tons other new AI tools. A lot of people fear the future and how these new AI tools will affect us. Many are thinking: “Will they take my job? Will I no longer have value with this talent or skill I […]
Whatever Decision You Make, Make Sure It’s YOURS
I know you are someone who’s a change-maker. So I have an important question to ask… Do you know how to choose what’s best for you? Here’s the harsh reality of life: If you don’t choose yourself first, someone else will, and the results won’t always be pleasant. Choosing yourself means drawing your own boundaries […]
How to Shift from Victim Mindset to a Growth Mindset
What they are, and why it matters if you want to succeed in any capacity in life In life, there are two types of people: those who believe they can achieve something, or those who have excuses why they cannot. Do you know which one you are? Now, before we get to why it’s so […]
3 Things to Consider When You Feel Worthless and Lack Purpose…

Let’s face it. It’s easy to feel worthless. Like an fraud. Like our life lacks meaning and purpose. It can be hard to see or unique value when there are so many in the world doing what we want to do, or living their best lives on social media — or so it would seem. […]