Relationship Advice I Would Give to My 16-Year-Old Self

5 Things That Can Make the Difference Between a Fairytale and a Nightmare I remember when I was still living at home with my parents, I’d often dream about the future relationship I wanted to have. Up until that point, my only exposure to relationships had been my parents, friends’ parents, and those I saw […]
Resiliency Myth: How the Superwoman Complex Sets Us Up for Unnecessary Stress

This past week, I haven’t felt as accomplished as I’d like. Ever since having my son, the days have been shorter, work has felt longer, and time for myself has been few and far between. Before I begin to feel sorry for myself though, I remember one KEY thing. Rather than telling myself, I can […]
You Can’t Please Everyone – So Why Not Please Yourself?

How to Stop Caring What Others Think, Without Being Rude A couple of days ago, I came across an interesting fable. In short, there is a story of a man and his son, who are on a trek with their donkey and headed to a market. In the tale, the father and son encounter various […]