
Why Entrepreneurs Need a High Vibration to Succeed in Business and Life

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Photo by Spencer Selover on Pexels.com

“Circumstances don’t matter. Only state of being matters.”

Bashar – as channeled by Darryl anka

Aspiring entrepreneurs face a unique set of challenges and circumstances on their journey towards success. The path to entrepreneurship can be a bumpy ride. Self-doubt and fear of failure, uncertainty, limited resources, and fierce competition can be overwhelming to say the least.

Yet, one thing can make all the difference in whether you achieve success or not: inner stability.

What creates inner stability?

Having a high vibration. Now you may be wondering, “what is vibration? And how do I change mine?

Vibration is the energy that we emit through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is a frequency we emit, and it’s what attracts experiences and opportunities into our lives. When our vibration is low, we attract negative experiences, circumstances, and people. These can hold us back in all areas of life.

Yet, when our vibration is high, we attract positive experiences, circumstances, and people into our lives. These lead to opportunities that contribute to our successes and fulfillment.

This may sound simple enough. But you may wonder, how does this work on a practical level? Especially when life is so dang hard sometimes?

This is where emotional mastery comes in.

Jim Rohn once said, “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom”. The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become. Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.

Have you given much thought to who you are becoming?

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you have given thought to what business you want, the income you want, and tactical strategies.

But what about your vibration? Raising your vibration is crucial to your success.


Let’s examine why raising your vibration is so important:

1. Raising your vibration can help you overcome self-doubt and fear of failure.

Self-doubt and fear are common among aspiring entrepreneurs. They can hold you back from taking risks and pursuing your dreams. But when you raise your vibration, you become more confident and empowered. You start to believe in yourself and your abilities, and you’re more willing to take the necessary risks to succeed.

2. Raising your vibration can attract resources and funding.

As an entrepreneur, you need resources to start and grow your business. When your vibration is high, you attract opportunities and people who can help you achieve your goals. You may attract investors, mentors, or partners who believe in your vision and want to support you on your journey. You can even attract clients who may want to work with you immediately, even with zero “social proof.”

3. Raising your vibration can help you build strong relationships with clients and partners.

Building strong relationships is essential to the success of any business. When your vibration is high, you attract people who resonate with your vision and values. You’re more likely to attract loyal clients and partners who are aligned with your goals. They may also be invested in your success as well as their own, and eager to create win-win scenarios.

Is the Universe Friendly, or Not?

Einstein knew that perspective is everything, and that God does not play dice with the universe.

One of the biggest ways to ensure that your state of being is in a positive place, is by having an optimistic perspective.

When you view the world as “a friendly place”, as Einstein said, it helps you shift your vibration in a positive direction.

It’s the difference between thoughts like “the universe is conspiring against me”, to “everything is working out in my favor.”

Yes, circumstances happen. But what makes the difference is how we choose to perceive those struggles.

It’s either happening FOR you, or AGAINST you.

If the universe is a friendly place, you can learn to view all circumstances and serving you in some way. But, this takes practice. And I admit, it isn’t always easy.

When I found myself as a single mom right before the COVID-pandemic hit in 2020, I faced doubt and uncertainty, to the point where I told myself I wasn’t able to make it.

I called my parents, ready to return home. I told my bosses that I was quitting. They even began the hiring process and found a replacement.

I was telling the story that the universe is out to get me, and that story lined up for a while.

Thankfully, I came to my senses, and changed the narrative.

I told myself, “I got this.” And slowly but surely, I began to thrive. This change was only possible when I made an intentional effort to change my perspective, and then took steps to prove it was true.

The results were astounding.

I began to work on myself and made profound inner transformations. That transformation led to me creating an impactful coaching business, while still successfully parenting my son. Six months later, I decided to join a dating app, and I manifested my now-husband after being on the app for only 6 hours. Meeting him was a choiceless decision. He fit my vision of an ideal husband to a tee. The best part? Our marriage continues to surprise and delight both of us, day after day.

Having a higher vibration and a positive outlook, no matter the circumstances, is KEY to succeeding in not just business, but in every area of your life.

So now that you understand the importance of raising your vibration as an aspiring entrepreneur, it’s time to take action.

Our free 5-Day Positive Tuning Challenge will help you learn practical strategies to raise your vibration. With a high vibration, you can more easily set intentions to attract success in business, relationships, and your life.

During the live challenge, you’ll learn:

  • How to identify and release limiting beliefs that hold you back from success.
  • How to cultivate a positive mindset and overcome self-doubt and fear.
  • How to use the law of attraction to attract success and abundance.
  • How to build strong relationships with healthy boundaries.
  • How to stay motivated and focused on your vision and soul purpose.

This free event is designed help you transform your mindset and raise your vibration so you can achieve success and fulfillment as an entrepreneur. By the end of the challenge, you’ll feel more empowered, confident, and aligned with your purpose.

Join our free 5-Day Positive Tuning Challenge waitlist today and take the first step towards raising your vibration and get a headstart to succeed in business, relationships, and life!


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  • Finding ourselves and being true to who we are is the ultimate quest in life. It's not about finding the perfect relationship, but about finding our own purpose and sharing our light with the world. Many of us hold back from pursuing our dreams because of self-doubt and fear of judgment. But here's the truth: you are enough, you are worthy, and you are lovable just as you are. Embrace your core identity and unleash your power. There's no imposter syndrome when you realize that no one else can be you. So go ahead, be your authentic self, and watch the magic unfold. If you have a hard time doing that, shoot me a DM and let's chat, or you can visit http://kiaraperkins.com for your free breakthrough session. #FindYourself #EmbraceYourPower #BeAuthentic
  • We've been conditioned to seek validation from external sources, whether it's to get good grades, please others, or seek recognition. But it's time for a mindset shift! One way is to learn from little kids who naturally know how to fulfill their cup from within. If you need help with this, shoot me a DM with the word "love" and I'll give you some actionable strategies to shift.
  • If you’re one to beat up on yourself, or feel like you’ll finally be good enough once you reach that next milestone or achievement, you just might be in a toxic relationship with yourself 😆 

If you’re ready to heal this, I’m hosting a free workshop in my private group tomorrow. 

Shoot me a message for a link to the group!
  • Validation starts from within. Instead of seeking external approval, focus on self-discovery and personal development. Find what fills your cup and nourishes you from the inside out. For me, it's reading, writing, and embracing self-care. When I neglect these activities, I notice a shift in my demeanor and interactions with others. Let's prioritize our own well-being to avoid unintentionally impacting those around us. #ValidationStartsFromWithin #SelfDiscovery #PersonalDevelopment
Finding ourselves and being true to who we are is the ultimate quest in life. It's not about finding the perfect relationship, but about finding our own purpose and sharing our light with the world. Many of us hold back from pursuing our dreams because of self-doubt and fear of judgment. But here's the truth: you are enough, you are worthy, and you are lovable just as you are. Embrace your core identity and unleash your power. There's no imposter syndrome when you realize that no one else can be you. So go ahead, be your authentic self, and watch the magic unfold. If you have a hard time doing that, shoot me a DM and let's chat, or you can visit http://kiaraperkins.com for your free breakthrough session. #FindYourself #EmbraceYourPower #BeAuthentic
1 month ago
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We've been conditioned to seek validation from external sources, whether it's to get good grades, please others, or seek recognition. But it's time for a mindset shift! One way is to learn from little kids who naturally know how to fulfill their cup from within. If you need help with this, shoot me a DM with the word "love" and I'll give you some actionable strategies to shift.
1 month ago
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If you’re one to beat up on yourself, or feel like you’ll finally be good enough once you reach that next milestone or achievement, you just might be in a toxic relationship with yourself 😆 If you’re ready to heal this, I’m hosting a free workshop in my private group tomorrow. Shoot me a message for a link to the group!
1 month ago
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Validation starts from within. Instead of seeking external approval, focus on self-discovery and personal development. Find what fills your cup and nourishes you from the inside out. For me, it's reading, writing, and embracing self-care. When I neglect these activities, I notice a shift in my demeanor and interactions with others. Let's prioritize our own well-being to avoid unintentionally impacting those around us. #ValidationStartsFromWithin #SelfDiscovery #PersonalDevelopment
1 month ago
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I'm Kiara Perkins

I have a passion for helping people get clear on who they are, and what they want, so they can get the life they desire.Â